Thursday, May 6, 2010

KUELAP 2007 - Landscape Competition - Lodge museum in Chachapoyas, Peru

The following are the objectives of the “KUELAP 2007” contest:
Make worldwide Architectural Ideas summons which will help to select the most original, creative and contemporary proposal for a “Lodge-Museum” as described before.
Collect the Ideas which are best involved with archaeological consciousness, and are at the same time able to enhance a beautiful and harmonious geographic reality.
Promote the discussion of ideas related to the development of projects in cultural heritage, historic parks or ecologic sanctuary settings.


The competition is open to all architects around the world that have satisfactorily completed their studies to become architects and have a degree that certifies them as such (as well as any team or professional office that has at least one architect that meets this requirement).

The participant must have an “academic” (University or College) diploma that confirms that he has already finished the architecture profession (by example, if you have an advanced architectural degree –like a Master of Architecture- from any University; you work in an architectural office and I you’re a professional designer but you don’t have professional license; you are eligible to participate).


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