Thursday, May 6, 2010

Das Park Hotel by Andreas Strauss

The idea of dasparkhotel was born as a mixture out of memories, ideas and emotions about my personal traveling style and the needs and wishes of some people around me, people I met around the world. Finally I was dreaming of something like an ‘easy access minimal accommodation thing’ on the places where we wanted to travel and also at the places or cities I’m mostly living.

It is a little comfortable small housing unit, just like a coin locker where friends or other people can sleep in and safely store private belongings, reload their personal and their technical devices batteries. To work with a ‘ready-made’ is mostly based on my somehow already traditional work style which means that I cause of many reasons like to reuse or new-use existing things, structures, objects witch are known for a different use.

The Tube is maid sense cause of their immense solidity which brings a real secure feeling when you sleep in public space, a very proper thermal behavior, easy set up and finally you don’t even hear something from the outside, except someone kicks against the wooden door. However hot weather it may be, its inside never be hot and it just putted somewhere and no one with out a heavy crane will be able to move or remove it.

The Tube is a standard part which can be organized at every second concrete factory all over Europe and if you decide to close the hotel you only have to take the door and the interior out and give it back to the guys who dig it into the ground for the reason it was maid for.

The inside surface witch we only clear varnished gave a surprisingly nice and ‘body-friendly’ structure and finally each of the tubes got individual a wall-painting designed and done by the Austrian Artist Thomas Latzel Ochoa. Our Number-code-locks were really online at the beginning because of the sort of nice system the local power company provided. We had internet through the normal electro cable and a modem that you only plug in the socket. That will be changed to a more independent system this year to give us the chance to set up a hotel on places where you for example, maybe only have the chance to collect the electricity needed via solar-power.


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