Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The new concept designed by Dutch designers Arthur Rottier and Peter Jongman can be defined in one word as “refreshing”. They call it WoonBox and it is revolutionary in combining the basic necessities which are identified in regular household. This device has a shower, toilet and a kitchen in a compact box like structure. Apart from being chic, it is mobile, mechanized and easy to set up. This makes it perfect for offices, parks as well as for locations wherever temporary set up is required. So surely it is a brilliant idea which takes care of all your basic needs.

woon box,  multifunction box

Designed to serve as temporary residence in places where permanent homes are difficult to locate, Woonbox can be set-up in spaces like offices and parks as makeshift measures. Woonbox would also come in handy for the poor and homeless as well as the class of populace that cannot afford large permanent establishments.

woon box,  multifunction box


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