Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Te Wero Bridge in Auckland, New Zealand is an International Design Competition Winner. It is not an ordinary bridge but this NZ$50 million bridge will link the city’s CBD with industrial area of Auckland. It is intended for public transport, cycle, pedestrian use. Te Wero is a twin leaf bascule aluminum bridge with a vertical tower of 60m. It will have an opening span of 40 meters to enable large boats to access Harbor. The deck is divided into two longitudinal components, south leaf and north leaf. South leaf carries two road lanes and north leaf provides a 6m wide path for cycles and pedestrians. This design looks like a ship if seen from distance.

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner

te wero bridge competition winner


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