Thursday, May 6, 2010


Architects Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) have unveiled new images of a residential project for Singapore, comprising long low apartment blocks stacked in hexagonal configurations, a new residential typology which breaks away from the standard isolated, vertical apartment towers of singapore.

The large-scale complex takes a more expansive and interconnected approach to living through communal spaces which are integrated into its lush surrounding greenbelt.

Thirty-one apartment blocks, each standing at six-storeys tall and identical in length, are stacked in a hexagonal arrangement to form eight large open and permeable courtyards.

The stacked formations allow light and air to flow through the architecture and surrounding landscape. developed by capitaland and hotel properties limited, the interlace covers 170,000m2 of gross floor area and will house 1,040 apartment units of varying sizes.

For more info on this amazing project please visit OMA's website.


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