Thursday, May 6, 2010


As expected the Vancouver Winter Olympics, made every effort to ensure that the Olympic Village, Millennium Waters, was as eco-friendly as possible, but while doing so they have actually managed to develop the Greenest, most energy efficient and sustainable Neighborhood in the world!

Millennium Waters, is located on Southeast False Creek across from the BC Place Stadium and its close proximity to the city center was only one of the many factors that resulted in receiving both a LEED Platinum certification for the entire neighborhood and a LEED Gold status for all of the buildings included in the village.

The newly-constructed village, features the city’s first renewable energy heating system, net zero energy building (a structure that produces as much energy as it consumes), natural and non-toxic building materials, devices capable of measuring the energy and water used by occupants, solar panels and solar hot water systems generating power for the households and many- many more eco features. Wow!


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