Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today we will take you on a unique house tour, where future architecture is literally created with materials from the past.If you don’t already know the story behind the Big Dig House, the living proof that infrastructure materials can be salvaged and reused to create amazing structures, here is a short summary of its unique history.The house was designed by Cambridge architects Single Speed Design and was built using over 600,000 lbs of construction materials recycled from the Big Dig highway project in Boston. Steel columns, beams, concrete roadway etc from the demolished I-93 off-ramps were the primary materials of construction of this amazing house the cost of which did not exceed 150$ per square foot, since in most cases the owners only had to pay only for the shipping of the materials on site.A testament of recycling this 3,400 square foot house opens up a whole new chapter in eco living and future architecture techniques and as stated in the Single Speed Design website, "Most importantly, the house demonstrates an untapped potential for the public realm: with strategic front-end planning, much needed community programs including schools, libraries, and housing could be constructed whenever infrastructure is deconstructed, saving valuable resources, embodied energy, and taxpayer dollars.


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